Playa Blanca Holiday Villas
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find the directions to the villa?
After your booking is confirmed, you will receive a detailed guide with all the information about the villa including the exact address and information about transports from the airport to the villa.
Do I have to pick up keys to the villa?
At Playa Blanca Holiday Villas we are on hand during your entire stay to make sure its a hassle free holiday so we will meet you at your villa on arrival we will provide you lots of helpful knowledge about Playa Blanca and wider Lanzarote
How do I contact support whilst I’m on holiday?
You can contact Playa Blanca Holiday Villas 7 days a week. If you’re staying in one of our villas and need to speak to someone, you can contact us anytime on the number provided to you at check in. If your making a booking enquiry please contact our phone email or chat on our contact us page
What time do we check-in and check-out on our arrival and departure days?
You will be able to check-in to your villa from 16:00 pm, while checkout is at 11:00 am.
Can we vacate the accommodation later than the confirmed time of 11am?
11am is the standard check out time. However, this could be modified under request. The Playa Blanca Villa team would confirm availability and cost for that with you.
Is there a minimum night stay?
Our minimum stay depends on each villa, season and availability.
Does a villa come with a cleaning service?
Yes, guests can book additional cleaning services by contacting us. The available additional services can be viewed here.
How often will the villa be cleaned?
The villa will be cleaned thoroughly before you arrive and will be ready for you at 4pm on the start date of your stay with us. Additional cleaning services are available, just get in touch.
Will anyone access my villa or apartment during my stay?
Your villa is a private paradise and we like to keep it that way. None of our staff or suppliers will access your villa without your prior knowledge or consent. The pool is cleaned twice per week for your enjoyment but they will not enter the villa interior to do this.
Do the Villa’s have air conditioning?
Yes, all of our villa’s have air conditioning in the bedrooms, this can be controlled internally from within each room. All air conditioning is equipped with the latest environmental sensors which deactivate the air conditioning if the room is unoccupied for a period of time.
Do you provide a hairdryer and iron in your villas?
Yes, all villas are equipped with an iron, ironing board and hairdryer or multiple hairdryers depending on the size of your villa.
How many guests do your rooms accommodate?
Each villa is different, the villa occupancy and bedroom layout is listed here villa information
Are children welcome in the villas?
Yes, children are more than welcome in our villas. All the villas are designed to appeal to the younger ones with lots of entertainment and amenities provided.
Are pets welcome in the villas?
Yes, pets are most welcome in all our villas. All our villas are suitable for pets with large indoor and outdoor areas provided that are securely gated. We also provide complimentary water bowls, if you have special pet requirements get in touch in advance of your arrival and we will ensure your pets are taken care of.
Are there any restaurants and bars nearby?
Yes, we will provide you with a guide detailing all the nearby attractions including restaurants, entertainment and lots of local knowledge to help you have a wonderful stay with us.
How far is the beach from the Villa?
All of our villas are within walking distance of the beach.
Are there padel or tennis courts nearby?
Yes, there are free to use padel, tennis and basketball courts just a short walk from our villas. We also offer padel racquets, tennis racquets and basketball for rent to our guests.
Is there Wifi in the villa?
All Playa Blanca Holiday Villas have complimentary high speed fibre Wifi in our villas.
Is there a washing machine in the villa?
Yes, all our villas will come equipped with a washing machine.
Do you provide cots?
Yes we can provide a travel cot, just request.
Is there car parking in the villa?
Yes, there is private off street parking at each villa.
Are there books and board games in the villa?
Yes, there are books and boards games in the villa, we invite our guests to take a book or leave one for a fellow guest.
Are there cameras inside the villa?
No, there are no cameras inside our villas. Each villa has a security system but there are no cameras inside the villas to respect your privacy.
What shall I do if something breaks during my stay?
Don’t worry about small things like a glass. However, please notify us about all breakages, small and big, before you leave, so that we can arrange a replacement before the next guests arrive to ensure they will have a wonderful stay as well.
Are your Villas wheelchair accessible?
Villa Arabella is wheelchair accessible the others are not.
What are the wheelchair accessible facilities in Villa Arabella?
Villa Arabella has access from the access via a wheelchair ramp. The main bedroom has a wide entrance door, off this main bedroom there is a wheelchair accessible bathroom which is a wet room design and there are grab and drop down safety rails beside the toilet and shower. The swimming pool is not wheelchair accessible. The terrace and dining area are wheelchair accessible.
Playa Blanca Holiday Villas where are you located ?
Playa Blanca Holiday Villas is located on the Canarian Island of Lanzarote. Playa Blanca is on the southern tip of the Island